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2014 - Anatomy of a Love Seen - Marina Rice Bader = CSFD 41% |

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    2014 - Anatomy of a Love Seen - Marina Rice Bader = CSFD 41% Názov:2014 - Anatomy of a Love Seen - Marina Rice Bader = CSFD 41% Hodnocení: Stiahnut
    Pozriet Online
    Kategória:Filmy bez titulků - Velikost:1.2 GB BitTorrent klient
    Pridaný: Súbory:
    Skontrolován:2023-06-21 Peerov:2 (Seed: 1, Leech: 1)
    Zaner:Drama,Romanticky Uploader:Uvidis, az ked budes
    Kúp nám Pivo 1,10€

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    Laska je laska - Film 40



    Drama / Romantický
    USA, 2014, 86 min
    Režie: Marina Rice Bader

    Mne to prislo celkem realny, slo videt, ze je to porad fikce, ale scenar by dle mych ocekavani splnil podobnou realitu. I celkove ten cas plynul spis pomalu, nez ze by nebyl zaplneneny. Zvlastni film, znovu se asi dlouho nepodivam, ale budu si ho pamatovat.

    Don't just watch... See.

    Earlier I read a review that basically warned viewers about this movie but since the Director was so kind as to personally message everyone who queried about the film on Youtube strands and the trailer was done so beautifully, I decided that it was worth the $5 and went ahead and watched it anyway. Now can I just say that this is not a 'typical' movie and if you are a plot based person who gets bored easy and needs the car chase or the lonely montage or any other Hollywood film tricks to fill your 90 minutes, you may not be prepared for this and may even have words as strong as the previous reviewer who claimed that it was slow and self indulgent. But if you can be open to seeing something very different and raw, it is really something unique and special. Realism to me often comes in a slightly art house package, with a slow narrative mimicking reality. You know. Those long look-out-of-the- window-of-a-train sequences or how the film sometimes gets taken over by silence. And somehow, even with a narrative, these films will so often lose me. However, this movie is clever in that it is absolute realism without the extended narrative, in fact, the whole film is set up within a short space of time, literally almost mimicking time itself which absolutely gripped me like I was living those moments with them. The four lead actresses were fantastic and the chemistry between Zoe and Mal was nothing short of Real. I can talk about how great the pace was or the shots but art isn't always meant to be picked apart by its roots. For me, seeing a film that is not dragged down by plot but puts all of its cards on letting a situation and a relationship run its course throughout a difficult day, a film thats core focus is to express just... love, is refreshing and honestly exciting. With this and Blue is The Warmest Colour... I am feeling pretty confident that particularly lesbian relationships are started to be represented well within the film industry. Despite that we were removed from so much of the context and history,I was so emotionally invested because it wasn't about exposition and it wasn't about knowing, it relied on feeling. That in-the-middle-of-a-complicated-break-up-and-now-I-don't-know-how- to-function feeling that leaves us completely vulnerable and if you've never had anything like that or never felt sick when you're around a person, like your body doesn't feel like its you anymore or you've never had a first fight or a last fight or a relationship ultimatum moment or you've never stopped yourself before you risk getting hurt, then maybe, just maybe you might be like meh, a film about love with no plot. Otherwise, this is a gem and you will not be sorry for putting money into this film. Commendation to the team!

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    24/06/2023 23.22.57
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